How Do You Check Whether Something is Trademarked in Canada?

You have two basic options regarding how to check to see if a given word/phrase or logo is trademarked in Canada. You can do an unofficial search on the CIPO website. This process can have varied results, as the quality of the search is dependant on the skill of the searcher. The other option is to have a NUANS Trademark Search prepared by a professional company. This standardized report is an official search of the government database and will provide you with a long list of all the trademarks and business names similar to your search term. The NUANS report is slightly more reliable since it is better at finding phonetic equivalents.

Request a NUANS Trademark Search to check for available Trademarks in Canada.

Labels: Trademark search, trademark check, Canada trademark search, registered trademark search; How do I check trademark names in Canada? How to check on trademark in Canada?

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