Once Registered How Do I Know My Trademark Is Protected?

You may verify the registration of your trademark by conducting a free search of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) database. It will show you the status of your trademark.

Business Development Centre provides follow-up services for Trademark Registration applications. You can view our Trademark Packages for details.

The Trade-marks Office does not act as an enforcement agency. You are responsible for monitoring the marketplace for cases of infringement and taking legal action, if necessary.

The Trademark Journal is a weekly publication that can be checked for any new trademark application that may be similar to your trademark. If you find a trademark application for a trademark similar to yours then you must contact a Trademark lawyer for further action on the same.

Business Development Centre performs Trademark Monitoring Services for your registered Trademark.

Labels: Registered Trademark, Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), Trademark Office, Trademark Journal, Trademark Application, Search Registered Trademarks, Trademark Register, Trademark Registry, Trademark Protection

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